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Frequently Asked Questions

NJ Children's System of Care FAQs

  • What is FACT?

    FACT stands for Families and Community Together and is part of the NJ Children's System of Care. FACT is the designated Care Management Organization (CMO) for Union County.We exist to help the youth of Union County to succeed at home, in school and in their community. We work with young people (from ages 5 up until their 21st birthday) and their families who have emotional, behavioral, developmental, mental health, and substance abuse needs. We practice a Wrap Around approach, which is a family oriented and community-based model of care that addresses barriers to well-being, maximizes the youth and families' strengths, and helps the family identify and build a team of supports. FACT was founded in 2000 and has served thousands of Union County youth and families.

  • What if my child or myself are undocumented?

    FACT provides services regardless of a child or family's citizenship status. FACT does not report on citizenship status on any involved youth or family.

  • How often will I have contact with my child's Care Manager?

    Your Care Manager will maintain regular contact with you and your child. This can be done via telephone, email, or text messages.

    Your Care Manager will visit your family at least monthly, but more frequently for families that require more intensive services.

  • What does FACT do?

    FACT's role is to "Support, Assist and Empower".

    FACT "Support" by helping families form a Child and Family Team (CFT). A CFT is a group of family, friends, and other people who care and are invested in a child's and family's future.

    FACT "Assist" by identifying and linking the youth and family to sustainable resources in their communities that can assist in meeting family needs.

    FACT "Empower" a youth and family by highlighting their natural strengths and giving them voice and choice while learning how to use and manage services that are available to them in their community.

  • Our family needs help now! How do we get started with FACT?

    In order to help you in the fastest way possible, you need to follow certain steps. These steps are outlined on our Families page.

    Your first step is to call PerformCare, our contracted systems administrator, at 1-877-652-7624. They will interview you on the telephone to get more information about your child and your family's needs. After the telephone interview they may refer you to local resources, or, if the family requires more assistance, a clinician will meet with you and your child to do a complete assessment of their needs. Based on the review of the assessment, if the needs of the youth rises to an intensive level, they will be referred to FACT. Once FACT receives the referral, we will contact the family within 24 hours to set up an initial appointment with a FACT Care Manager.

  • Do you only serve Union County families?

    Yes. FACT is Union County's exclusive Care Management Organization (CMO) and is only able to serve residents of Union County. If you live outside of Union County, you should look for the CMO serving your area. There are CMOs dedicated to serve each county in New Jersey.

  • Who can make a referral for my child?

    A youth can be referred to FACT by the parent/legal guardian. In addition, with the permission of the parent/legal guardian referrals can be made on behalf of a youth by any child serving professional like a child protection agency (DCPP), schools, courts, doctors, and more. FACT is a voluntary service that relies on full youth and parent/legal guardian participation to get the most out of our services.

    You can learn more at All referrals are initiated by contacting PerformCare at 1-877-652-7624.

  • What is the age requirement?

    FACT primarily works with youth from age 5 up to their 21st birthday. Special consideration for services is given to youth under the age of 5.

  • Who will I work with at FACT?

    Every child will have their own Care Manager. A Care Manager facilitates the Child and Family Team (your support system), coordinates the assessment of your child's needs, helps plan treatment, and guides you through the plan to improve conditions for your child.

    Care Managers believe children are best served in their homes and communities using natural supports and the strengths that every family possesses. Care Managers have a Bachelor's or Master's Degree and have experience working with children who have a variety of needs. Care Managers are supervised by highly experienced Master's level professionals.

  • What is the role of a Care Manager?

    Care Managers "Support, Assist and Empower" youth and families through their journey to meet goals identified in the Individual Service Plan (ISP).

    Care Managers "Support" by helping families form a Child and Family Team (CFT). A CFT is a group of family, friends, and other people who care and are invested in a child's and family's future. The purpose of the team is to have everyone working together for the youth.

    Care Managers "Assist" by identifying and linking the youth and family to sustainable resources in their communities that can assist in meeting family needs. The Care Manager helps the family create and develop their own Individualized Service Plan (ISP) which uses strength based and measurable strategies to achieve the family's identified vision/goal.

    Care Managers "Empower" a youth and family by highlighting their natural strengths and giving them voice and choice while learning how to use and manage services that are available to them in their community. Care Managers help teach the youth and family the skills they will need to ultimately manage their plan independently.

  • Where can I see your list of community based care providers?

    During your time with FACT, your Care Manager may introduce you to a variety of services and supports available in your community. You can also go to our sister website to find additional community based supports, resources, and services available in the Union County area.